10-20-2013 ICA Classic @ Geist

So today is the Classic big money day for the ICA has built a lot of funds up this year to be given out at this classic. I have a game plan of going to the Dam side of the lake and drifting.

I get down there and look at my depth finder and its just baron flat and not marking anything i immediately think oh crap i made a big mistake as it takes a long time to idle mostly down there.

I figure what the heck im already here might as well give it a shot. I throw my lines out the back and use the drag drift method. I catch a couple fish pretty quick this time i did not stay as long as yesterday. I did redrift the area about 6 times (it was a small area) and caught a couple more cats.

I moved on down and ended finding a really long drift that i just started marking lots of fish and getting lots of bites and catching fish.

I stayed with that drift for the rest of the day and ended catching 8 fish and was still getting bites till the end. The wind did change directions later in the day making it hard for me to stay on the original drift line.

I moved up near the ramp and fished for another half hour then started culling before heading in. I had about 4-5 fish that were all really close in size. I figured i had about 30lbs and hoped it would get me in top ten.

After weigh in i guess i still did something wrong because i ended up in 12th place. Its not horrible but i know i can do better. I think i needed to bring my baits up higher above the weeds and try fishing in a wider range of ways. This  is something i hope to pick and get better at as time goes on.



And yes Brandon realized he looks “Special” in this pic. LOL

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